St. Brendans GAA Club

Founded 1920


The Club Story

The Club Story


Recent Times: 2010 - Present2016 – St Brendans 1st team made another appearance in the Division 6 Promotion play offs this time as Number 4 seeds and were beaten after extra time against Skerries Harps.
The most successful team within the club in 2016 was the Ladies Footballers who won Division 9 winning all 8 matches , the team also got to the Junior G Championship Final but lost out to St Monica’s and the same opposition defeated the ladies in the semi Finals of the Division 9 Cup 

2015 – St Brendans 1st team started life in AFL Division 6 with victory over eventual Division 6 Champions St Peregrines. St Brendans got into the Promotion play offs as Number 1 seeds but were beaten in the Play off semi Finals to Fingallians. The 2nd team however won promotion to AFL9

2014 – The 1st team Footballers qualified for the AFL7 Promotion play offs as Number 4 seeds. Aeneas McAUliffe scored a dramatic equaliser with the last kick of normal time to send the contest to extra time and a Dave Donegan goal and Michael McHale long range point won the tie for St Brendans. A week later, promotion to Division 6 was secure following late points from Dave Donegan and Karl Feehan ensured a 2 point victory over Lucan Sarsfields.
The Ladies team continued their learning curve, winning 5 matches, the last of which was their first ever Championship win against Trinity Gaels.
Saturday Kidz Club was started in Grangegorman.
The Club moved temporarily to Longmeadow’s while the pitch in Grangegorman is under development.

2013 – St Brendans fielded a Ladies Football team for the first time and played their first match on April 10th. Helen Macken scored the first ever St Brendans point and Sarah Connaughton the first goal. The First victory came three months later in Grangegorman when defeating St Judes 5-8 to 2-1.
This turned out to be a momentous year for both the Footballers and Hurlers as both teams won their respective League titles with the Footballers going through the whole league undefeated.

2011 – Despite Losing their first match against St Annes and Drawing their second against Wild Geese, St Brendans 1st team would win their next 13 consecutive matches to win AFL9.

1995 – 2010With the return of John Brennan from Australia in 1995 came the revival of the Hurling club with the continuing services of Charlie Palmer and Michael Jordan, senior championship winners in 1980. Bart O‘Connor and Gerry Kelly along with Vincent Reddin (Nephew of the famous Tipp. Goalie, Tony Reddin), Brendan Hobbins, Padraig Lohan and Fintan Delaney come together to give solid background to the new squad which was looked after by John Brennan, Frank Beale and John Clarke. 

An influx of new players in the late 1990s gelled well with experienced hands and brought the team agonizingly close to championship honours – losing out narrowly in the final in 1999 against Na Fianna and again in 2002. Progress in recent years has been steady with rewards coming in the form of back-to-back League titles in 2009 and 2010, but the first hurling championship title since 1980 remains elusive with an excellent championship run in 2010 coming unstuck at the final hurdle.

The fortunes of the Football team has waxed and waned since the early 1990s. Notable highlights were the Mooney Cup victory in 2001 (managed by club stalwart Joe Cassidey, who also lined out when required during that year, providing a nice link with 1971 and 1993 successes) and a narrow defeat in the Junior Championship final in 2009. The 2009 season saw the formation of a second football team for the first time since the 1970s and a large squad of over 40 registered players bodes well for the future.


Mooney Cup Team 2001










Back Row: Gerry Ryan, John Brennan, Joe O‘ Toole, Frank Chambers, Aidan Carroll, Timmy Healy, Joe Doohan, John Mullen, Cormac MacDonnell, Stephen Butler, John Michael McLoughlin, Stephen Cawley, Conall ―Whacker‖ Boland
Front Row: Niall Reilly, Conor McNicol, Mark Boyl, Micheal Munnelly, Frank Hynes, Peter Brennan, Aidan Mullen, John Moore ―points the way‖, Mark Crehan, John ―timmy Ryan, Jamie Goggin, Padraig Lohan, Joe Cassidey. Mascots: young Ryan, Peter Mullen, Tom Lynch, young Crehan.
Missing from picture: too numerous to mention

1981 - 1995After the successes of the previous decade, the fortunes of St. Brendan‘s went into decline during the first half of the eighties. Two factors contributed to this – firstly, the retirement of a number of long-serving players and, secondly, the lowering of staff recruitment numbers. As a result, both hurling and football teams had returned to Junior ranks by 1986. One bright point during the early 80s was back-to-back All-Ireland Inter Hospitals Senior Hurling crowns. The brief decline was followed by a brief revival, particularly by the hurlers. In 1987, they won the Junior Hurling Championship and League Double and, in 1988, won the Intermediate League and were, unluckily, defeated by the narrowest of margins to miss out on the Double-Double. 

Players who contributed hugely at this time were C. Palmer, S. Hayes, D. Harris, F. Delaney, F. Brennan, A. O’Reilly, W. Shanley, P. Lohan, P. Brennan, James Brennan, B. Hobbins, P. Jordan, B. Walshe, J. Walsh, G. Grey, V. Reddin and John Brennan. Unbelievably, D. Harris, W. Shanley and W. Walshe were assembling their second set of Junior and Intermediate medals 17 years after their first successes. Promotion to senior ranks followed but, this time around, the demands were too great and the hurling club disbanded in 1989. The football team, however, continued to fly the black and amber colours mainly through the dedication of Gerry Ryan, J.J. Fitzgerald, E. Ryan, Frank Dardis and J.J. Reilly and laterally John Brennan. They were rewarded with the Junior B Championship in 1993 and Division 4 of the Junior League. The Mooney Cup was also won in that year.

Amazingly, Joe Cassidy, T. Smyth and J.J. Fitzgerald – all winners in 1971 – were involved in the 1993 successes. Other players who shared in these victories were Mark Crehan, Padraic Lohan, Fintan Delaney, Paul Newman, Eamonn Walsh, Niall Finn, Sean Forde, Adrian Henchy, Timmy Healy, Seanie Martin, Micheal Munnelly, Thomas Breslin, Robbie Ryan, Gerry Ryan, Bart O’Connor, Pat Scott and Phillip McEnenley.

Senior Hurling Championship 1980 - The Crowning Glory.The hurlers continued to build on their success of the early 70s by winning Division 2 of the Senior League in 1974. They went on to become one of the top Senior Hurling teams in Dublin at that time. They confirmed their status by reaching the Senior Hurling Final in 1979. The game against Crumlin ended in a draw after a nail biting contest. A long delay of five weeks before the replay seemed to affect St. Brendan‘s form and they never reached the heights of the drawn game losing by five points to Crumlin. 

However, all the disappointment was forgotten one year later, when they qualified for their second final in a row. Playing precise hurling of high quality, backed up by exceptional teamwork and fitness, they accounted for Naomh Fionbarra, Whitehall Colmcille and Na Fianna to reach the final against Faughs.

A measure of the task facing St. Brendan‘s can be judged by the tradition and quality of the opposition. Included in the Faughs team were All Ireland winners Ned Rea, Jim O’Donnell and Seanie Buckley, as well as, the Burkes of Offaly, Newmans of Westmeath and Cunnighams of Tipperary.

St. Brendan‘s finished a see-saw battle in a high scoring game on a triumphant note, winning by three points, 6 – 10 to 4 – 13. St. Brendan‘s team consisted of C. Palmer, T. Finn, D. Harris, Jim Brennan, M. Prendergast, W. Shanley, P. Brennan, G. Hayes, F. Spellman, W. Walsh, P. Storey, M.

Barnett, J. Walsh, S. Dowling and M. O‘Donnell. Subs included M. Roban, B. O’‘Connor, G. Kelly, P. Holland, James Brennan, M. O‘Brien, O. Flynn, P.Hynes and F. Beale.


The 1980 Senior Hurling Championship Team (Before/After)









Back Row (L to R) M. Forde (selector), Tom Finn, Mick Roban, Brian Carroll, Pat Brennan, Peter Storey, Jimmy Brennan, Charlie Palmer, Sean Dowling, George Hayes, Gerry Kelly, John Brennan (selector), Jackie Brennan (selector).
Front Row (L to R) Ollie Flynn, Willie Shanley (Capt.), Jimmy Walsh, Willie Walsh, Frank Spellman, Seamus Brennan, Marty Barrett, Dominic Harris, Kevin Bernie, Mick O‘Brien, 
Kneeling (L to R) Peter Holland, Frank Beale, Mick O‘Donnell.


The SeventiesThe most successful period in the Club‘s history began when the hurlers won the Junior Championship and the League double in 1970. In 1971 they won the Intermediate League and completed the collection with the Intermediate Championship in 1972. Members of the panel – many of whom won all four medals – included P.O‘Sullivan, F. Kerrins, M. Roban, M. Reilly, T. Neary, W. Shanley, J. 


Back Row: Mick Healy (Selector), Joe Kelly, Jack Buckley, Myles Reilly, Mick Roban, Frank Kerrins, Peter Storey, John Kiernan, Pat Deneiffe, Frank Spellman, Tommy Brogan (Manager)
Front Row: John Brennan, Peadar Ryan, Pat O‘Sullivan, Frank Beale, Kevin Bernie, Billy, Walsh, Ollie Flynn, Sean Furey, Tony Cormican, Mascot

Buckley, P. Ryan, F. Beale, O. Flynn, K. Bernie, P. Storey, W. Walshe, S. Furey, Joe Kelly, M. Kearns, M. Healy, J. Coughlan, F. Madden, J. Mahoney,D. Harris, C. O‘Driscoll, John Brennan, H. Brennan, F. Spellman,J. McCormack, A. Farrell and P. Denieffe.

The truth of the saying ―success breeds success‖ was proven spectacularly by the exploits of the St. Brendan‘s Club at this time. Inspired by the achievements of the hurlers, the footballers proceeded to win the Junior League and Championship double in 1971 playing football of the highest calibre and described in one report as ―the best team ever to win the Junior Football Championship‖. They followed this success by winning the Intermediate League in 1972. They agonisingly lost the Intermediate Championship Final to an overtime goal by Ballyboughal. The panel included: S. Murphy, M. Doyle, T. Smyth, C. MeGee, J.Cassidy, P. O‘Neill, S. Furey, J. Leslie, J. Hughes, P. Ryan, F. Spellman,P. Storey, J.J. O‘Connor, P. Barnett, J. McHale, W. Shanley, J. Higgins,


Back Row: Ollie Flynn (Selector), Tom Smyth, JJ Fitzgerald, Sean Furey, John Hughes, Jimmy Leslie, Pearse Barnett, Peter Storey, Frank Spellman, John McHale, PJ Carty, Paddy Kearns (Selector)

Front Row: Seamus Murphy, PJ O‘Connor, Kieran Kelly, Mel Doyle, Pat O‘Neill, Peadar Ryan, JJ O‘Connor, Joe Cassidy, Conor McGee, Willie Shanley, Joe Kelly, Kit Kearns, Kevin Bernie, Mick Roban.

P.J. O‘Connor, J.J. Fitzgerald, W. Walshe, C. Kearns, P.J. Carty, K.Bernie, and J. Kelly. Paddy Kearns, Ollie Flynn and Mick Roban were selectors. The footballers continued to contest the latter stages of the Intermediate Championship for the next 7 – 8 years without success while competing in the Senior League Division 3.

The Early Years: 1920 - 1969Founded in 1920 by Jim Doyle, (father of Canice and Jim), the club was originally known as the Richmond Asylum Hurling Club. The name was changed in 1923 to St. Dympna‘s and the team was comprised of players from Portrane and Grangegorman. The club finally became known as St. Brendan’s in 1958 to coincide with the change in title of the hospital. Players who starred in those early years were the Ryans – Paddy, Mick and Tom, Bill Flanagan and Tony Moore. Bill Flanagan won an All Ireland Junior Medal with Dublin in 1924. Other names associated with the running of the club were Jim Ryan, Dr. John Dunne, Kevin & Ned Byrne, and Frank Rogan. 

St. Dympna‘s Hurlers provided the Club with its first major success when they won the Dublin Junior Championship in 1950. They went on to sweep the boards in 1952 by winning the Intermediate League and Championship as well as the Corn Ceiteann. Grangegorman based players central to this success were Mick Forde, Tommy Brogan, Jackie Brennan, Tommy Conroy, Barney McCabe, Joe Tyrrell and Dinny Dunne. Players from Portrane who filled the remaining places on the panel included Jimmy Manton, J. Carney, J. Rogers and the Stanleys. Tommy Brogan and Tommy Conroy won all Ireland Junior Medals with Dublin in 1952 to cap a truly magnificent year for the Club. In 1954, a football team was formed based on Inter County players J.J. Fitzgerald (Dublin), Christy Burke (Kildare) and Des Taffe (Meath) and Morny Murrihy (Kildare).

In spite of lack of success, the Club continued to fulfill its fixtures for the rest of the 50s and right through the 60s. Staff members who ensured this were Dinny Neville, Mick Somers, Eddie Gilligan, Paddy Hanley, John McHale, Oillie Flynn, Paddy Gahan, Paddy Kearns, Seamus Glennon, Jack Farrelly and Eddie Cullen. In the Intermediate League Final played at Islandbridge, a most remarkable incident occurred. From the puck out by Mick Forde at full back for St. Dympna‘s he put the ball in the opposing goal. This hit the headlines of the sports columns of both the evening papers the following day. A remarkable feat surely.


The Men Behind The ScenesChairmen, secretaries, treasurers, managers, motivators, magic bottle carriers and bagmen all play a vital role behind the scenes in a successful club. Over the years St. Brendan‘s have been very well served in this area. 

At the time of the St. Dympna‘s success Larry Byrne and Benny Campbell were in command of the clubs fortunes off the pitch. That role was carried on throughout the fifties and sixties by staff members such as JJ Fitzgerald, E Gilligan and M Somers.

In the mid sixties Paddy Kearns took over the training of the teams and many will attribute the success of the early seventies to his meticulous preparation of players at this time. Always a fitness fanatic, Paddy led by example and had the happy knack of making training sessions enjoyable.

From here the spirit and teamwork required to be successful was built. Mick Somers, PJ Carty, Mel Doyle, G Kearns, F Dardis, B Walsh, and J Leslie all shared the running of the club during the successful seventies.

Mick Forde took over the chair in the club and for ten years he acted as a father-figure to the players, as well as being one of the best singers on the Sunday night sessions. T Finnerty, J Brennan, F Dardis and M Boyle gave him great assistance. Jimmy Reilly spent twelve years as chairman from 1982 – 1984. Always associated with him are the tireless Gerry Ryan, M Farrell, P Lohan, JJ Fitzgerald and Eddie Ryan. Frank Dardis was the chairman at the time of his untimely death in December 1994. John Brennan now carries the can and the magic bottle with an active committee made up mostly of current players under the stewardship of secretary John Walsh.

St Brendan’s Role of All-Ireland Honours1924 Bill Flanagan – All-Ireland Junior Hurling Championship with Dublin 

1952 T. Brogan and T. Conroy – All-Ireland Junior Hurling Championship with Dublin.

Des Taffe – All-Ireland Senior Football Championship with Meath.

1975 Willie Shanley – All-Ireland ―B‖ Championship (Hurling) with Westmeath.

1983 Tommy Conroy – Won All-Ireland Senior Football Championship with Dublin.

1995 Dessie Farrell – Won All-Ireland Senior Football Championship with Dublin.

1996 Martin Storey – All-Ireland Senior Hurling Championship with Wexford.

Past legends of St. Brendan’s GAAWillie Shanley
Castletown-Geoghegan, Co. Westmeath
Captain of the 1980 Senior Championship winning team Came on the staff of St. Brendan‘s in 1970. Having played for his local club at youth level. He played Senior Hurling for Westmeath at Centre Back for many years. He had the distinction of playing Railway Cup on the same team as the great Eddie Keher of Kilkenny. Willie is a great all round sportsman. He played Hurling, Football, hockey, Snooker, Golf and Table Tennis. Most Memorable game of Table tennis played in the Assembly Hall where Willie beat a Chinese Doctor in the final of the Inter Hospitals Competition to win the Cup for St. Brendan‘s. Today he spends many hours chasing the small ball trying to get his handicap down to single figures.

Willie Walshe
Thurles Co. Tipperary
He played underage for Sarsfields, played on all school teams, most memorable Dean Ryan Captained Harty Cup in the sixties. Willie played for Dublin in early seventies along with Peter Storey, Peader Ryan and Frank Spellman. Willie had a great side step and was described in one sports article as Willie the Wizard. A great all rounder. Played soccer for Brendanville, Hockey for St. Brendan‘s. Played football and hurling for St. Brendan‘s for twenty years.

Mel Doyle
Hill of Molly, Co. Longford
A strong tenacious corner back on the successful ‗70‘s football squad. Played for many years in the company of Frank Kerrins, Mick Roben, J.J. Fitzgerald, Joe Cassidy, and big Tom Smyth. The early seventies were a rejuvenation of Hurling and Football in St. Brendan‘s Grangegorman. Hurlers and Footballers all trained together under Patsy Kearns and Ollie Flynn. They were super fit and went from success to success. Mel was on the executive for many years.

John Hughes
Mostrim, Co. Longford
John played midfield for Longford in the 1969-1973 team when they had League Success. He was a strong midfield player in the mould of the great Mick O‘Connell of Kerry. Often catching the ball with one hand and knocking down to his midfield partner Peader Ryan. John a real stylist also excelled at Hockey. Today he spends many hours trying to reduce his golf handicap to single figures.

Peter Storey
The Ballagh, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.
A great servant to St. Brendan‘s club. Played for thirty years for the club. A member of the great Storey family from Wexford and brother of Martin, the winning Captain of the Senior Hurling Championship Wexford team in 1996. Peter suffered great pain when playing the games often complaining before the game. But when he got on the field all soon dispersed and he played a stormer. When Peter had finished playing he went to see his consultant orthopaedic Surgeon to find the problem in his joints. He had surgery and thankfully Peter is free of pain after all the years. Peter played for Dublin in 1972. A wonderful sportsman and leader on and off the field.

John Joe Fitzgerald
Co. Limerick
The Silver haired Footballer. He came to the staff in 1950. Played Senior Football for St. Ita‘s along with Dinny Dunne, Des Taaffe, Christy Burke,Tommy Brogan, Morny Murrihy. All mentioned played for their respective counties. J.J. was a no nonsense player. Played all positions as the need arose. Always full of Devilment. He played on the Dublin Junior team in the company of the great Kevin Heffernan in the Bloody Sunday Tournament. John Joe had his children involved in St. Brendan‘s from an early age. In one memorable occasion against St. Brigid‘s, his three sons played on a terrible stormy day. The match was eventually abandoned. Today, John Joe is handicapped with joint pain but hopefully he will be back soon to play a game of Golf.

Tom Smyth
Williamstown Co. Galway
A big man, played at full back and later in goals. Gave many years in the company of Mel Doyle and Joe Cassidy, keeping the ball away from Seamus Murphy or John Higgins in the goals. Tom won a Colleges medal for Tuam, when in secondary school. Became an established Hockey Goalie.

John Higgins
Goalkeeper of the 1969 Galway Minor team
A great net minder for Galway with success as a minor in 1969. His deputy another St. Brendan‘s man Jock Mahony from Loughrea. John gave great years to St. Brendan‘s. Went on the staff of the Central Mental Hospital where he became chief male nurse. John always maintained his interest in the Inter Hospital GAA Scene. He remains active to the present day. Always ready for our annual games competitions. He played in goals for Dundrum until recently.

Jimmy Leslie
Clonguish Co. Longford
A mighty wing back for many years. He was a very tenacious wing back often thrusting forward and scoring the regular point. He was supported by the burly Sean Feeney at centre back and The Ardee Man, Pat O‘Neill on the other wing. Jimmy played in goals in hurling and was a very strong hockey player.

Christy Kearns
Castletown Co. Meath
A tough as teak player, played any position. The proprietor of Delaney‘s Pub in North King Street. This Establishment has sponsored St. Brendan‘s club since the 1940‘s. Delaney‘s is a pleasant place for a drink after our games, going under re-construction lately. When St. Brendan‘s were going through the great successes of 1970‘s and 1980‘s. Delaney‘s was the place to be for the craic. Known for many years as the ―Laughing Cavalier‖. An early house and very popular for people coming from the night shift.

Frank Spellman
Aughrim Co. Galway
Frank played for Galway and Dublin in early 1970‘s. A dual star, strong as a horse. A powerhouse in the middle of the field. He partnered George Hayes for both club and county in the seventies. Frank played with the Holden Brothers at Under 21 for Cuala Casements and later on the Dublin team. Now retired, plays a good game of golf. Was on the Junior Team in 1970 and also on the successful 1980 team. He gave wonderful service to Brendan‘s in both codes.

George Hynes
Ballingarry Co. Tipperary.
Played midfield for Tipperary and later Dublin. A great striker of the ball. A real stylist. Played both codes for St. Brendans. From Sliabh Ardagh in Ballingarry, he gave great service to St. Brendan‘s. He hit rocket shots similar to the great Eddie Keher when taking penalties. Very seldom ever saved, even by the best of goalies. His brother Seán came to play for St. Brendan‘s in the Eighties.

Martie Barrett (R.I.P.)
Co. Galway
Played Senior Hurling with St. Brendan‘s from 1977 to 1982. Martie Played on the losing final of 1979 and on winning team of 1980 when St. Brendan‘s overcame Faughs to win by three points. Unfortunately Martie succumbed to the dreadful cancer late 2009. A gentleman on and off the field, May he rest in peace.

Willie Murtagh
Collinstown Co. Westmeath
Came to Dublin in 1946. Willie became a member of St. Columba‘s Hurling Club, Crumlin. Refereed both Hurling and Football. Willie has been a referee for the past 60 years and is a firm favorite with many clubs. Always knows a good score when he sees one, he is often heard to say the phrase ―That‘s a fine score, young man‖. A great friend to St. Brendan‘s and always praises Willie Shanley‘s service to Westmeath with his great prowess on the field. We hope Willie will continue on the pitches of Dublin for many more years.



St Brendan's Teams from the Past 1939-40 Cricket Team



1944-45 Hockey Squad



 1949 Camogie Team (Miller Shield winners)


Back Row: Mary Carroll, Julia B Byrne, Kathleen Nally, Betty Shore, Mary Moore, Rose Duffy, Mary Maher, Mary McKenna, Mary Deevy, Margaret Flannery.
Front Row: Clara Neylon, Hilda H. O‘Culoghan, Magt Tyrrell, Bunny Keys, Rose Gahan, Monica Patterson.

1952 Hurling Team


Back Row: J O‘Reilly, B McCabe, J Carney, D Stanley, J Tyrell, T Conroy, T Brogan, D Dunne, S Dunne

Front Row: Jos. Stanley, S Stanley B Mulvihill, J ―Knacky‖ Brennan, J Manton, M. Forde, J Rogers, K Claffey, Jas Stanley, M Fahy
Junior B Champ. 10 May 1957


Front (L to R): J. O‘Connor, C. Carolan, Jack Farrelly, J. Fagan,

Middle (L to R) Paddy Kearns, P. Reilly, JJ. Fitzgerald, Mylie Kavanagh (Head Male Nurse),Tommy Brogan (Cpt), P. Forde, M. Halpin, T. Finnerty
Back (L to R) J. Hogan, P. Nolan, M. Byrne, Des Flanagan, T. Dolan, O.J. Whelan, Joe Lambe, J. Whelan, M .Murrihy.
Missing from photo Eddie Gilligan (Club Treasurer)

1965 Football Team


1967 Football Team



1972 Culchies’ Soccer Team


Back Row: Bart O‘Connor, Tom ―Busty‖ Neary, John Hughes, Gerry Mangan, John Reynolds, Noel Gavin.

Front Row: John McCormack, Jimmy Leslie, Archie Farrell, Billy Walsh, Frank Loakman.

Jackeens’ Soccer Team


Back row: Pearse Barnett, Jimmy Brennan, John Higgins, John Foster, Damien McNally, Deg Garrigan

Front Row: Bernard McCabe, Joe Woods, Micky Kavanagh, Con Dempsey, Peter Byrne.
Illegal player was John Higgins—A culchie from Galway.

 1972 2nd Hurling Team


Back Row: Mick Hogan, Pat Brennan, Peter Courtney, John Fitzpatrick, Pearse Barnett, Gerry Donnelly, Frank Kerrins, Jack Buckley, Ollie Flynn.

Front Row: Padraig Tiernan, Paddy Harding, PJ O‘Connor, John Brennan, Jimmy Leslie, Mel Doyle, Myles Reilly, Seamus Brennan. Mascot is John Doyle.

1973 Intermediate Football Team


Back Row: John Brennan, Pat Brennan, Tom Finn, Gerry Ryan, Mick Fitzgerald, Conor McGee, John Higgins, James Fitzgerald, Peter Storey, Pearse Barnett, John Hughes, George Hayes, JJ Fitzgerald (Selector)

Front Row: Tom Beagan, Eugene Griffin, Jimmy Leslie, Willie Shanley, Willie Walsh, Joe Cassidy, Sean Dowling, Mick O‘Donnell, Pat Scott, Ray Kelly, Mick Griffin.

1976 Hockey Squad


Back Row: Mick Hever, George Hayes, Pat Scott, John Reynolds, Tom Clare, Ollie Flynn.

Front Row: PJ O‘Connor, Brian Carroll, Pat Walsh, Knacky Brennan, Seamus Corby, Jimmy Leslie.
1987 Hurling Team


Back Row: Jimmy Brennan, Albert Reilly, Gerry Gray, Paddy Buggy, Seamus Brennan, Ollie O‘Connor, George Hayes, Sean Hayes, Leo Scullion.

Front Row: Fran Brennan, Jimmy Walsh, Willy Shanley, Charlie Palmer, Dominic Harris, Willie Walsh, Peter Jordan. Children are Shanleys, Palmers and Harris‘s

1990 Inter Hospital Football Team


Back Row: JJ Fitzgerald, Noel Lally, George Hayes, John Neville, Padraig Mahon, Gerry Ryan, Tomas O‘Connor, Padraig Lohan, Shay Manton, Paddy Buggy, JJ Reilly. AN Other
Front Row: Frank Dardis, Fintan Delaney, Mick Jordan, Mark Crehan, Dessie Farrell, Andy Myler, Martin Storey, JJ O‘Sullivan, Jarlath McKenna, Joe Cassidy.
 1999 Hurling Team Junior Championship


Back (L to R): V. Reddin, P. Storey, C. O‘Brien, S. O‘Dowd, P.Lothan, F. Beale, A. Nother, G. Kelly, F. O‘Connor, D. Jordan, D. Casey, P. Moran, K. Hoban, A. Kelly, J. Brennan (Manager)

Front (F to L): M. Boyle, R O‘Donnell, J. Nagle, M. Jordan, V. Burke, B. Hobbins, A. Quinsey, F. Delaney, B. O‘Connor . Gerry Kelly‘s son and two of K. Hoban‘s sons.
2002 Junior Championship Runners Up



St. Brendan’s Hurlers, AHL Division 7 Winners 2009


Back Row (L –R) J. Brennan, O. Flynn, H. Carroll, G. Barret, E. Hearne, S. Brophy, N. Lane, S. Roban, D. Mullen, S. Harrington, T. Bourke, E. Duignan, T. Donovan.
Front Row (L –R) J.O‘Neill, B. Carey, R. Coone, J. Walsh, S. Gilbert, M. Kinsella, S. Foley, T. Purtill, P. Bourke.
2010 Junior D County Hurling Final Runners Up

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